Sunday, March 20, 2011

We went to the zoo, but nobody was home

Astrid enjoyed a well deserved nap after she hostessed Grandma's birthday brunch.


Next up, and very exciting for Steve, the zoo.  The eternal question - will the Bjorn be appropriate?  Should we have a stroller handy? to Walmart we went and finally, by 4:45 we swam upstream through the unwashed masses to find that even though the signs SAY the zoo closes at 7pm on Sundays in early spring what it should say is, "no animals are out today and all of the animal houses close at 5pm, try again this summer, suckers".

We've been daydreaming about how much Astrid might love the penguin and puffin house because she will be close enough to see them.  Yeah, so we went inside that cavernous, cold, fish-stinky entryway...and Astrid got very...scared.  It was feeding time, full of people and extremely loud, I was even a little scared.

We strolled through most of the zoo and all we found was dung.  Piles and heaps of dung - letting us know that animals do live here- have been here recently but ostensibly get off work at 5pm.

The trip to the zoo was so boring and animal-less that Astrid fell asleep.  She did however wake up at the Wetterau Pavillion to take in some starling and squirrel action.  Thank goodness we have those in our back yard!


  1.! According to my nephews STL has the best zoo ever, it even made his top 5 places (under Auntie Jen's house of course). Your description of the penguin habitat was so spot on that I thought I smelt it! :D

    Loving the pig tails!

  2. Auntie Deb needs to get Astrid's teething toy, Sophie the Giraffe, over to her pronto so that she'll know what one looks like. Steve, do you remember feeding the giraffes at the zoo when we were kids. Scarrrrry!
