Sunday, March 27, 2011

Auntie Jen!

We had an awesome visit with Jen.  Look how darling she is in this photo, sipping on a mocha.  We geeked out, chilled out, ate good food and generally enjoyed her company.  We're so grateful she drove out - especially due to the spring snow.

A late breakfast rounded out a relaxed end to our mellow weekend at Benton Park Cafe.  We did not haz cheezburger on Caturday, but we did have veggie burgers from OR Juice.  It was a nice lazy kind of day of enjoying each other's company.

Astrid is still having a little trouble with teething and needs a lil extra TLC.  Her dad took these lovely photos - he's great at capturing moments like these.

1 comment:

  1. Awww...I'm missing the little bug already. I find myself making odd noises, but no one is around to giggle at them. :D I had an amazing time chillin' with my villains. Thanks for being awesome!
